Thursday, December 11, 2014

11 Clothing 2! // Due the week of Dec. 17, 2014

Hi Everyone!

This week, go ahead and complete two tasks:

  1. Go through your closets and name all of the things in Spanish that you know, for example:
    1. Pantalones // Pants
    2. Bolsa // Purse
    3. Sombrero // Hat
    4. Vestido // Dress
    5. Guantes // Gloves
    6. Zapatos // Shoes
    7. Camisa // Shirt
    8. Abrigo // Coat
    9. Calcetines // Socks
    10. Cinturon // Belt
    11. Falda // Skirt
    12. Traje de Bano // Swimsuit
    13. Blusa // Blouse
    14. Collar // Necklace
    15. Anillo // Ring
  2. Use the previous vocabulary (as well as other vocabulary we've used throughout this year) to play a game of pictionary with your family! If you can, get multiple family members involved!

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