Sunday, September 21, 2014

04 School Supplies

Hola Clase!

This week, you will be learning what the school supplies are, so you can use them as we use them in school!


  • Complete pages 29-34 in your workbook 2.
Extra Practice:
  • Go through the things in your backpack/bin/supply-bookshelf, etc, and label them either out loud, or with sticky notes or slips of paper next to them! (You may want to do this after watching the following video which will introduce you to most of the pronunciations.)
  • Watch the following video at least 3 times throughout the week! You'll want to interact out loud with the video and do everything it says! (However, you may skip the part where you add up the numbers for another time when we've learned numbers better.)
    • You'll be using the phrase, "Yo quiero comprar… a school supply." 
    • "Yo quiero" means "I want"
    • "Comprar" means "To buy"

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