Friday, November 14, 2014

10 Clothing! // Due the week of Nov. 17, 2014

Hola clase!

This week, you're going to start learning about clothing!

  1. First, you get to be a bit of a clothes designer!
    1. With your art supplies at home, create your own design for each of the following clothing pieces, and then label each!
      1. Pantalones // Pants
      2. Vestido // Dress
      3. Camisa // Dress
      4. Abrigo // Coat
      5. Purse // Bolsa
      6. Zapatos // Shoes
      7. Abrigo // Coat
  2. Now, use your labeled art pieces to help you with the following video, which you should watch at least 3 times this week!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

09 Test Next Week! // Due the week of Nov. 12, 2014

Hi Everyone!

I know we haven't had homework over the last two weeks—I've just wanted to give you a chance to study and review in the way that works best for your own brain/family :D

So keep that up because next week will be the test—Yay!!!!

After next week's test, we'll continue with the homework to learn more vocabulary and verbs, etc!

Vocabulary Words:
  1. Farm animals:
    1. Perro // Dog
    2. Gato // Cat
    3. Pajaro // Bird
    4. Caballo // Horse
    5. Puerco // Pig
    6. Vaca // Cow
    7. Abeja // Bee
    8. Oveja // Sheep
  2. School Supplies:
    1. Pluma // Pen
    2. Lapiz // Pencil
    3. Pegamento // Glue
    4. Papel // Paper
    5. Tijeras // Scissors
    6. Marcador // Marker
    7. Cuaderno // Notebook
    8. Tarea // Homework
  3. Fruit Smoothies:
    1. Batido // Smoothie
    2. Espinacas // Spinach
    3. Fresas // Strawberries
    4. Bayas // Berries
    5. Limas // Limes
    6. Naranjas // Oranges
    7. Platanos // Bananas
    8. Manzanas // Apples
    9. Jugo // Juice
  4. Food:
    1. Pescado // Fish
    2. Jamon // Ham
    3. Pollo // Chicken
    4. Tocino // Bacon
    5. Huevos // Eggs
    6. Carne // Steak
    7. Sopa // Soup
    8. Pan // Bread
    9. Arroz // Rice
    10. Papas Fritas // French Fries
  5. Deserts:
    1. Pastel // Cake
    2. Galleta // Cookie
    3. Helado // Ice Cream
  6. Drinks:
    1. Agua // Water
    2. Leche // Milk
    3. Refresco // Soda
    4. Jugo // Juice
    5. Batido // Smoothie
  7. Colors:
    1. Amarillo // Yellow
    2. Verde // Green
    3. Rojo // Red
    4. Azul // Blue
    5. Rosado // Pink
    6. Morado // Purple
    7. Anaranjado // Orange
    8. Cafe // Brown
    9. Negro // Black
  8. Greetings:
    1. Hola! // Hello!
    2. Buenos Dias // Good Day
    3. Como estas? // How are you?
    4. Muy bien gracias. Y tu? // Very well thank you. And you?
    5. Adios! // Goodbye!
  9. Phrases:
    1. Que… // What...
    2. Me gusta... // I like…
    3. Te gusta… // You like…
    4. Yo quiero… // I want
    5. Que te gusta…? // What do you like…?
    6. Que quieres…? // What do you want…?
  10. Verbs:
    1. Dormir // To sleep
    2. Leer // To read
    3. Correr // To run
    4. Bailar // To dance
    5. Jugar // To play
    6. Cantar // To sing
    7. Hablar // To talk
    8. Escribir // To write
    9. Preguntar // To ask
  11. Numbers: 1-20
    1. Uno // 1
    2. Dos // 2
    3. Tres // 3
    4. Cuatro // 4
    5. Cinco // 5
    6. Seis // 6
    7. Siete // 7
    8. Ocho // 8
    9. Nueve // 9
    10. Diez // 10
    11. Once // 11
    12. Doce // 12
    13. Trece // 13
    14. Catorce // 14
    15. Quince // 15
    16. Dieciseis // 16
    17. Diecisiete // 17
    18. Dieciocho // 18
    19. Diecinueve // 19
    20. Veinte // 20
Studying Method Options (Pick 2 this week):

  1. Flashcards—Make flashcards and study with them
  2. Make a story book—Write a story mostly in English, but using as many Spanish words as possible (i.e.: Sally, a little gato negro, loved to bailar and cantar…)
  3. Pictionary
  4. Charades
  5. Bingo—Make bingo cards using 1-3 of the lists of vocab and play
  6. Found Objects—Look for objects around the house that match up with the vocab
  7. Mas o Menos—Have a parent think of a number from 1-20 (or 1-100 for an extra challenge) and guess in Spanish. The parent can say, "No, my number is mas (more) or menos (less) than that."