Wednesday, October 29, 2014

08 Test in 3 Weeks // Test the week of Nov. 12, 2014

Hola clase!

It's been an exciting 2 months and you all are learning so well!

Therefore, in 3 weeks (The week of November 12),  you will have your first big test! The test will cover the vocabulary below.

We have covered a ton of vocabulary over the last two months (about 100 words!!!), and it seems that you all have at least a general knowledge of all of it! But don't worry if you're not perfect yet.

Just pick at least 2 of the following studying options to complete this week for homework, and that, along with next week's review day in class, should have you all pretty much prepared!

Vocabulary Words:

  1. Farm animals:
    1. Perro // Dog
    2. Gato // Cat
    3. Pajaro // Bird
    4. Caballo // Horse
    5. Puerco // Pig
    6. Vaca // Cow
    7. Abeja // Bee
    8. Oveja // Sheep
  2. School Supplies:
    1. Pluma // Pen
    2. Lapiz // Pencil
    3. Pegamento // Glue
    4. Papel // Paper
    5. Tijeras // Scissors
    6. Marcador // Marker
    7. Cuaderno // Notebook
    8. Tarea // Homework
  3. Fruit Smoothies:
    1. Batido // Smoothie
    2. Espinacas // Spinach
    3. Fresas // Strawberries
    4. Bayas // Berries
    5. Limas // Limes
    6. Naranjas // Oranges
    7. Platanos // Bananas
    8. Manzanas // Apples
    9. Jugo // Juice
  4. Food:
    1. Pescado // Fish
    2. Jamon // Ham
    3. Pollo // Chicken
    4. Tocino // Bacon
    5. Huevos // Eggs
    6. Carne // Steak
    7. Sopa // Soup
    8. Pan // Bread
    9. Arroz // Rice
    10. Papas Fritas // French Fries
  5. Deserts:
    1. Pastel // Cake
    2. Galleta // Cookie
    3. Helado // Ice Cream
  6. Drinks:
    1. Agua // Water
    2. Leche // Milk
    3. Refresco // Soda
    4. Jugo // Juice
    5. Batido // Smoothie
  7. Colors:
    1. Amarillo // Yellow
    2. Verde // Green
    3. Rojo // Red
    4. Azul // Blue
    5. Rosado // Pink
    6. Morado // Purple
    7. Anaranjado // Orange
    8. Cafe // Brown
    9. Negro // Black
  8. Greetings:
    1. Hola! // Hello!
    2. Buenos Dias // Good Day
    3. Como estas? // How are you?
    4. Muy bien gracias. Y tu? // Very well thank you. And you?
    5. Adios! // Goodbye!
  9. Phrases:
    1. Que… // What...
    2. Me gusta... // I like…
    3. Te gusta… // You like…
    4. Yo quiero… // I want
    5. Que te gusta…? // What do you like…?
    6. Que quieres…? // What do you want…?
  10. Verbs:
    1. Dormir // To sleep
    2. Leer // To read
    3. Correr // To run
    4. Bailar // To dance
    5. Jugar // To play
    6. Cantar // To sing
    7. Hablar // To talk
    8. Escribir // To write
    9. Preguntar // To ask
  11. Numbers: 1-20
    1. Uno // 1
    2. Dos // 2
    3. Tres // 3
    4. Cuatro // 4
    5. Cinco // 5
    6. Seis // 6
    7. Siete // 7
    8. Ocho // 8
    9. Nueve // 9
    10. Diez // 10
    11. Once // 11
    12. Doce // 12
    13. Trece // 13
    14. Catorce // 14
    15. Quince // 15
    16. Dieciseis // 16
    17. Diecisiete // 17
    18. Dieciocho // 18
    19. Diecinueve // 19
    20. Veinte // 20
Studying Method Options (Pick 2 this week):
  1. Flashcards—Make flashcards and study with them
  2. Make a story book—Write a story mostly in English, but using as many Spanish words as possible (i.e.: Sally, a little gato negro, loved to bailar and cantar…)
  3. Pictionary
  4. Charades
  5. Bingo—Make bingo cards using 1-3 of the lists of vocab and play
  6. Found Objects—Look for objects around the house that match up with the vocab
  7. Mas o Menos—Have a parent think of a number from 1-20 (or 1-100 for an extra challenge) and guess in Spanish. The parent can say, "No, my number is mas (more) or menos (less) than that."

Thursday, October 16, 2014

07 Batidos de Fruta! // Due the week of Oct. 22, 2014

Buenos Dias Clase!

It's that time of year: Fruit Smoothies!

Next week, we will be making and eating fruit smoothies!

In preparation, you need to make sure that you have all of the vocabulary learned:

  • Batido // Smoothie
  • Jugo // Juice
  • Espinacas // Spinach
  • Fresas // Strawberries
  • Bayas // Berries
  • Limas // Limes
  • Platanos // Bananas
  • Manzanas // Apples
  • Naranjas // Oranges
  • Leche // Milk
  • Yo quiero aƱadir // I want to add
  • Yo quiero tomar // I want to drink
We will have the following ingredients specifically:

  • Jugo de manzana // Apple Juice
  • Jugo de naranja // Orange Juice
  • Espinacas // Spinach
  • Fresas // Strawberries
  • Bayas // Berries
  • Limas // Limes
  • Platanos // Bananas
  • Leche // Milk
Therefore, I would like you to decide on three different recipes with combinations of those ingredients (at least 3 ingredients in each) so we can try some of them next week! 

I would also like you to make and bring flashcards for all of the vocabulary (see the first list).

Let me know if you have questions!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

06 Family and Hablando! // Due the week of Oct. 14, 2014

Buenos Dias Clase!

This week, you are going to learn some family vocabulary!


  • Complete page 2 in your workbook 2.
  • Draw a picture of everyone in your family and label them with the Spanish name for their family part and their name! (Ex: Madre Hannah; Hermana Sally)
  • For an extra challenge, give your parents the school supplies and ask your parents for each in Spanish!


  • Watch the video below at least 3 times throughout the week!
    • A couple things you might need to review before watching:
      • Como estas? // How are you?
      • Yo estoy… contento // I am happy (you can also just say "muy bien gracias"
      • Que te gusta hacer? // What do you like to do?
      • Me gusta… hablar // Me gusta… talk
      • Se llama... // His/her name is…